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News August Update - Our People, Our City Fund

August Update
August Update

Advisory Process

Initial intentions were to establish an Advisory Group. Based on consultation with victims and the communities, it was clear that the large majority felt a formal advisory group was unnecessary. Therefore, Raf Manji will fulfil this appointed role and will liaise directly with any individuals or groups within the communities upon request.

Independent Advisor Mr. Raf Manji has been appointed as independent advisor. It is his role to make recommendations to our trustees as to the best use of the Our People, Our City fund.  

Mr. Manji is currently a Christchurch City Councillor. He has been the Chair of the Finance Committee at the Council for the last 2 terms and is retiring from Council in October. He is a Trustee of the AsiaNZ Foundation and Chair of the United Nations Association of New Zealand Canterbury Charitable Trust. He has also volunteered at the Refugee Resettlement Services, and has been a volunteer at Budget Service Advisors and a Trustee and Mentor at Pillars Inc.

Conversations to Date
Local Christchurch Community Meetings › Next of kin and bullet injured (20 people) › Attendees at Al Noor Mosque Hajj Presentation › Christchurch Victims Organising Committee › Muslim Association of Canterbury › Christchurch Muslim Liaison Group › Canterbury District Health Board › FIANZ › Department Internal Affairs › Ministry of Social Development

International Key Meetings › National Zakat Foundation, UK › London Emergencies Trust › Kensington and Chelsea Foundation › UK National Emergencies Trust

Advisor Terms of Reference

Make recommendations as to the best distribution of the funds to address the identified needs of the victims, and the wider communities.

› Ensure that the longer-term needs (with an emphasis on education and training) of the children of those who were killed or severely injured (with lifelong impact), are met.
› Ensure that any distribution covers costs not already covered by The Crown.

› That the Muslim communities’ views are acknowledged and factored into any recommendations.

A range of experts and advisers may be asked to provide additional support to Raf to support the consideration of specific allocation recommendations.