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News 2023 FY Results

Amy Carter


In a complex economic environment, the Foundation in the 2023 Financial year has raised $803,094 for projects and funds for the betterment of greater Christchurch. Some of this is invested in endowments, where the income earned on investments is distributed to the nominated causes in perpetuity. Effectively, the value of every donation is distributed again and again every 20-25 years; truly gifts that keep on giving.

Some $513,484 was distributed across our programmes of work, with our projects being diverse and having a long term focus. Significant change does not occur quickly. More details about the impact of our work at a project level can be
found in the Impact Report.

Reflecting the fine margins that we are operating within at this early stage of our journey, we have booked an operational loss of $3,358 for the year. This will be covered by our operational reserves. Financial sustainability over the long run is a major area of focus for the board and is likely to remain so for the next two to three financial years as we continue to build critical mass and momentum.

Read the FY23 (30 June 2023) Annual Report here.