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News Measuring our Impact

Amy Carter

Rose Challies
Rose Challies

Impact Review Completed and Released

Organisational impact specialist Rose Challies, a Next Foundation Fellow, has recently undertaken a review of the Christchurch Foundation at our request. 

The establishment phase of the Foundation is nearly completed. As such we wanted to identify our strengths and areas for development, and to develop a social impact framework that we can report against, in conjunction with our annual report, each year. 

At our AGM Ms Challies shared her findings and briefly outlined the impact reporting framework that we will be using for measuring and reporting on our impact.  This additional voluntary reporting will begin from the financial year ending 30 June 2022.

Her full report can now be found here.

Ms Challies concluded that the Foundation is in a very good position.  It is her belief that the organisation has already begun to be a strategic lead, fundraiser and delivery vehicle. Our work past, present and planned will deliver impact that will improve our city and its surrounding districts.  Areas of development include building depth within our team and improving how we communicate the impact we are making beyond money in and out.